Outdoor Education at Ardentinny
At Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre, thousands of people have had the opportunity to discover that they can achieve much more than they thought. From finding the courage to abseil from steep cliffs to learning how to steer a canoe through the (not so high) waves of Loch Long, such challenges and new things to learn make a visit at our centre an unforgettable experience.
Developed specifically to meet the needs of schools looking for quality outdoor education, we offer residential visits combined with a wide range of outdoor activities and opportunities to learn, develop and grow. And of course, to have fun!
And while we specialise in residential outdoor education for primary and secondary schools, we also offer our service to any other group that wants to enjoy and experience the benefits of being outside and challenging their own limits.
Ardentinny is engaged in the development of the four capacities for every pupil or young person who attends a course at the centre and focuses, of course, on the learning experiences that can be delivered best, or only, in a residential outdoor setting.
We will work with you to ensure that what we do at the centre is as closely matched to your objectives as we can reasonably manage.
“It’s not happy people who are thankful.
It is thankful people who are happy.”